Starting a business is an exciting journey filled with its share of challenges and triumphs. In the podcast episode, ‘What I’d Do If I were Starting My Business From Scratch’, the host shares crucial tips from her experience of starting and running a successful business.
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01. Get known for one service
If you’re starting out, it’s tempting to offer multiple services to attract a broader array of clients. However, it can lead to indecisiveness among potential clients and dilute your professional image. Instead, hone in on one particular service, perfect it and become an expert. This approach will build your credibility and allow you to deliver exceptional service.
02. Build a strong portfolio
A portfolio is a window to your skills and potential. Rather than showcasing all your past work, fill your portfolio with projects that reflect the type of work you want to do in the future. Highlighting projects that align with your ideal client’s requirements will fetch you the projects you enjoy and excel at.
03. Go all in on one marketing platform
Instead of trying to be everywhere at once, pick one marketing platform where your ideal clients spend most of their time and focus all your attention there. Your consistent presence on a single platform helps in fostering stronger connections and increasing your online visibility. Once you master one platform, you can consider branching out to others.
04. Set up your systems and processes
Well-structured systems and processes not only streamline your work but also enhance your professional image. It enhances the overall client experience, increasing chances of referrals and repeated projects.
05. Networking
Building genuine connections is crucial in growing your business. Attending networking events helps you meet like-minded individuals and potential clients. An introduction at a networking event, followed up by a visit to your online portfolio, can lead to fruitful collaborations or valuable referrals.
Starting a business is about capitalizing on your strengths and implementing useful strategies. By focusing on one service, building an ideal portfolio, leveraging a single marketing platform, establishing strong systems, and frequent networking, you can kickstart your entrepreneurial journey on a positive note. Remember, business building is a long-term game, and with consistency, hard work, and patience, success will surely knock on your door.